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Aerojet Takes The ‘Acting’ Off In-House Atty’s GC Title – Law360

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Title: Aerojet Takes The ‘Acting’ Off In-House Atty’s GC Title – Law360

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Aerojet Takes The ‘Acting’ Off In-House Atty’s GC Title – Law360.

By James Mills (September 9, 2022, 3:56 PM EDT) — Rocket and aerospace manufacturer Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc. has promoted its acting general counsel to vice president and general counsel, making permanent a role he took on an interim basis earlier this year.

Joseph E. Chontos will manage all legal functions, ranging from corporate governance and litigation to employment and intellectual property matters, Aerojet announced Thursday. The company’s ethics and international trade compliance functions will also report to him.

Chontos first joined the El Segundo, California-based aerospace and defense technology company in April 2018 as deputy general counsel. He has served as acting general counsel since April 2022.

“Joe’s exceptional legal…

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