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Abortion truths, new park’s debut | Letters

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Title: Abortion truths, new park’s debut | Letters

Originally reported on by Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

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Abortion truths, new park’s debut | Letters

Opinions, not facts, guided abortion ‘lies’

A Sept. 2 letter lists four “lies” regarding abortion that the writer believes. I strongly disagree. They were one person’s opinion based on a belief system that many in the world follow, but many do not.

The first lie presented was “Abortion is health care.” This is, in fact, true. Pregnancy is indeed an issue of health. Much of health care is helping people live healthy lives. Unfortunately that may mean making the decision to have an abortion.

Lie No. 2: “Abortion is about the woman’s own body.” That is exactly what it’s about. The entire population of the world can debate when a cluster of cells with DNA is a separate human being. But the woman carrying those cells is the one who controls them. Why should men have control of their choices, but a woman cannot? Why should one woman believe it is her right to determine what is best for another?

Lie No. 3 stated “Abortion is a matter of privacy.” Again, obviously true. There seems to be a misconception that your beliefs are right and others’ are wrong. Also, there is the position that people are irresponsible about birth control and protected sex and just think “I’ll just have an abortion.” That is indeed a lie. Pro-choice people realize that people don’t just go, “Tra-la, I’ll have an abortion today.” It’s a private decision that a woman should make with the people who will support and help her determine what is best given her own personal issues.

Lie No. 4 said that “Abortion is a constitutional right.” The Constitution is quoted and misquoted constantly with different groups choosing sections to fit their beliefs and opinions. The Constitution doesn’t defend the right to carry assault weapons, for example, but many have managed to use it for that purpose. It does say that all people have inalienable rights. However, many have managed to manipulate the laws so that not everyone has those rights. (The references that demonstrate this are extensive, but are considered “fake news” or “biased history” by those who’d like to have their views dictate what others are allowed to do.)

It’s fine to have your own beliefs on abortion. But please don’t talk about truths and lies when the foundation upon which you’re basing your opinions is not based in fact.

Roxana Rockwell

Fort Wayne

Ha’penny says ‘hi,’ and welcome to new park

Hello, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Ha’penny. My humans say they call me that because I turn up everywhere, like a bad penny. They say I’m too small to be a whole penny, so I’m just a half penny – a ha’penny.

I am the official 2022 Ambassador for Marylands Farm Park, which is soon to be a new park in New Haven. I am pretty new to the job since I was only born on May 11.

I will be having a Meet & Greet for all my young fans at Schnelker Park in New Haven from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 21. The humans have arranged all sorts of fun things for kids to do.

I’ve been told I am not allowed to eat the park flowers. Too bad! I like geraniums, but nibbles of your excellent newspaper can be tasty, too.

My main humans are Gretchen Winters and Alison Adams, who are working with lots of other humans on fixing what will be my new park home. You can find out more about that on our website at Marylandsfarm They won’t let me use a computer so I’ve never looked at it. What is more, I didn’t even get my picture on it because it was set up before I was born! Very upsetting! I feel underappreciated.

Gretchen Winters

on behalf of Ha’penny Lamb

Fort Wayne

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