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Jews voice fears about Israel’s democracy | CPT PPP Coverage

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ISRAELI expats in Melbourne and others in the Jewish community have begun demonstrations against planned changes to Israel’s judicial system under the new government.

A group called Saving Israeli Democracy was informed by Glen Eira Council that they could not protest in Caulfield Park in an email citing “safety and well-being” grounds, but a rally took place at Central Park in Malvern East last Sunday after advice from Stonnington Council that it could proceed. The AJN understands the group has now been cleared to hold a demonstration in Caulfield Park this Sunday morning.

Last Sunday, some 50-60 protesters held up Israeli flags, together with signs proclaiming, “Saving Israeli Democracy”, “No balances, no checks” and “Save our start-up nation”.

Saving Israel’s Democracy has posted on Facebook about last Sunday’s event and the Caulfield Park protest this Sunday.

Stating the Melbourne protests are raising awareness in an important Diaspora community about the dangers of curbing the freedom of Israel’s courts, Nirit Eylon, a coordinator of Saving Israel’s Democracy, told The AJN, “We’re extremely concerned about the new legislation … I think every Jewish person and every person in the world who cares about Israel should be alert.

“Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East, a forward-thinking country, the start-up nation, the symbol of progress, but what’s currently happening with these laws is taking it backwards,” said the Melbourne Israeli, who has family back home. “If there are no checks and balances, then it’s not a democracy anymore.”

Asked why she was protesting, expat Hallely Kimchi told The AJN, “I feel like my home [Israel] is burning. I’m in complete shock at what happened to all the values that I grew up on. At the moment, the people in Israel are leading the government, the government isn’t leading the people.

“The people in Israel live in coexistence – they live together, work together, Arabs and Jews. There’s a lot of things happening on the ground and at the moment it feels like the government is way, way behind. What kind of message are you sending if you have parties [in the government] that have racism? If those parties had existed in the 1980s, they would have been illegal … It’s a catastrophe.”

She said “non-Orthodox, women, gays and LGBTIQA+” have become the targets of the new government.

The Melbourne protests, which are set to continue, are similar to demonstrations that have been held overseas.

Contacted by The AJN, Zionism Victoria president Yossi Goldfarb said, “People are welcome to make their views known. If people want to make their voices heard, that’s a positive step.”

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