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Noguchi’s Bell Episode 2 Continues to Push the Potential of Dreams on PS4

Dreams is still going strong thanks to its dedicated community of creators and players, and there are always new impressive sights and sounds in the Dreamiverse. A particularly ambitious project from Cyber Sheep Film is Noguchi’s Bell, a series of animated short movies being produced entirely within Media Molecule’s game. The second episode is out right now, and you can watch it in Dreams or on YouTube.

Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, the studio is planning a 15-episode saga. Watching the new film, it serves as a reminder of how versatile Dreams can be — the level of animation achieved here is extraordinary to say it’s produced using, at best, a PlayStation 5 and Move controllers. That all the voice work, music, characters, and props are all made within the game as well, it’s an ambitious and impressive production.

Have you checked out Noguchi’s Bell episode 2 in Dreams? Eat some noodles in the comments section below.

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