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Autononous vehicles will add to traffic chaos, not solve it • CRYPTOPOLYTECH NEWSER

Autononous vehicles will add to traffic chaos, not solve it
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Autononous vehicles will add to traffic chaos, not solve it

In a popular video, Youtuber GCP Grey makes the claim that autonomous vehicles (AVs) will solve traffic jams. Whilst the basic logic underlying his claim is accurate, it couldn’t be further removed from the truth because it utterly ignores externalities. As does this laughably inaccurate article from 2016 that claims we’ll only need 15-25% of our current number of cars after AV technology becomes widely adopted.

GCP Grey’s claim is essentially that AVs can react faster than humans and communicate with one another, and therefore they can travel on roads more efficiently. This is true, but there are some issues with this that he overlooks, some are outlined in a response video by Youtuber Adam Something. There’s one major issue in particular that GCP Grey and many other people predicting the future of AVs don’t consider: Jevon’s Paradox.

What is Jevons’ Paradox?

Jevons’ Paradox is a phenomenon that was initially described by economist William Jevons in the mid-nineteenth century whilst studying coal consumption in England. It essentially states that when the efficiency of resource consumption increases so does overall use of the resource.

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This initially sounds counterintuitive to most people, but in fact, this follows the laws of supply and demand which makes it a veridical paradox (something that sounds untrue but is nonetheless true). In Jevons’ case, he found that as technologies that used coal as fuel increased in fuel efficiency, the demand for coal increased; so much so that overall coal consumption continued rising despite technologies continually improving the amount of useful work that could be generated from the same input of coal.