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Great moments in PC gaming: Getting freaked out by one of the creepy close-ups in The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow | CPT PPP Coverage

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Great moments in PC gaming: Getting freaked out by one of the creepy close-ups in The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow appeared on by @pcgamer.

Great moments in PC gaming are bite-sized celebrations of some of our favorite gaming memories.

The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow

(Image credit: Wadjet Eye)

Developer: Cloak and Dagger
Year: 20122

The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow isn’t the scariest horror game I’ve ever played, but it might be the most disarming. The most powerful tool in its arsenal is its close-ups—moments where the classic retro point-and-click adventure look is set aside for detailed and disturbing pixel art scenes.

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This article originally appeared on by @pcgamer – sharing via newswires in the public domain, repeatedly. News articles have become eerily similar to manufacturer descriptions.

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