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Quiz: Test Your PlayStation General Knowledge – Issue 10

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Title: Quiz: Test Your PlayStation General Knowledge – Issue 10
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Quiz: Test Your PlayStation General Knowledge – Issue 10

How much do you know about PlayStation and the gaming industry that surrounds it? If you fancy yourself a walking PlayStation encyclopaedia, then why not put your brain to the test with our PlayStation General Knowledge Quiz?

This is Issue 10 of our PlayStation General Knowledge Quiz. You can have a crack at our previous quizzes by clicking this link.

Below, you’ll find 15 general knowledge questions with multiple choice answers. Some are relatively easy, and others are devilishly difficult.

We’ll be posting new PlayStation General Knowledge quizzes every other weekend, so be sure to check back. In the meantime, good luck (you might need it)!

Test Your PlayStation General Knowledge – Issue 10

You scored x out of 15.

  • 0-5: PlayStation Casual – Don’t give up, there’s always next time!
  • 6-10: PlayStation Enthusiast – Hey, not bad, you know your PlayStation!
  • 11-15: PlayStation Encyclopaedia – Wow, you should get a job at Push Square!

So, how did you do? Do you know PlayStation as well as you thought? Be sure to check back every other week for more PlayStation General Knowledge quizzes.

If you fancy more Push Square quizzes right now, be sure to click this link.

Oh, and remember to share your results in the comments section below!

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