Ads for PS5 exclusive Deathloop have started appearing on Xbox
Ads for PS5 exclusive Deathloop have started appearing on Xbox
Ads for the PS5 console exclusive Deathloop have started appearing on Xbox.
The Arkane-developed action game was originally released on PS5 and PC on September 14, 2021.
Now that the exclusivity period has elapsed, an ad for the game has begun appearing on Xbox dashboards.

However, selecting the ad doesn’t currently lead to an Xbox store page, as it appears it has gone live too early.
No release date has been provided at the time of writing, and it’s unclear if the game will be added to Xbox Game Pass.
Deathloop – Official Protect the Loop Trailer
Deathloop released during an unprecedented situation wherein the game was a PS5 console exclusive, despite the fact that Arkane’s parent company Id Software was the in the process of being acquired by Microsoft.
While Microsoft honoured that original exclusivity deal which was made before negotiations began, the company made clear that it intended to release the acclaimed shooter on its platform as soon as it could.
Deathloop is billed as a murder puzzle in which players assume the role of an assassin trapped in a time loop on a lawless island called Blackreef.
To escape it, players must kill a group of eight targets before the day resets, using a range of modifiable weapons, gadgets and supernatural abilities which can be carried over between loops.
In VGC’s 5-star Deathloop review, critic Jon Bailes called the title “one of the smartest and most outright entertaining games of the year.”
He wrote: “Deathloop is slick and inventive, with a delicious sense of style and humour. It distils Arkane’s hefty systems into something more explicitly playful, then leaves its sparkling cast to run riot in its huge interlocking puzzle of an island.”
‘News of the Day’ content, as reported by public domain newswires.
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