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Betrayal At Club Low | New Gameplay Today

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Title: Betrayal At Club Low | New Gameplay Today

Originally reported on by Wesley LeBlanc Classification: IPTC: 10001000 , 01021000 • IAB-QAG: IAB9-30

Join host Wesley LeBlanc as he takes you through a demo of Betrayal At Club Low, an upcoming indie with a unique aesthetic and an even more unique gameplay loop. Wesley’s enjoyed what he’s played of the game so far, and he’ll tell you why in today’s New Gameplay Today.

Betrayal At Club Low is exclusive to PC and will launch on September 9 on Steam and Cosmo D Studios is the developer who is actually just one game designer: Cosmo D. He’s the designer behind games like Off-Peak, The Norwood Suite, and Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1. In today’s New Gameplay Today, Wesley shows off roughly 20 minutes of Betrayal At Club Low, explaining how its unique dice-rolling mechanic works while highlighting what’s so interesting about this strange world and its accompanying aesthetic. 

Check it out for yourself below: 

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