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Candidate for congress doubts north country will remain in district

WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – One of the Republican candidates in the new 24th congressional district doubts the north country will remain in the district.

That, after the state Court of Appeals on Wednesday threw out all the state’s congressional districts. A majority of the court decided Democrats in the state legislature drew those districts to gain an unfair advantage in elections.

The court ordered an outside expert draw new districts.

When Democrats drew new districts in February, they split Jefferson County in two, with current congresswoman Elise Stefanik keeping part of Fort Drum and some of the northern and eastern parts of Jefferson County.

But the rest of Drum, Watertown and much of Jefferson County was tucked into a new 24th congressional district, stretching from Niagara Falls to Alexandria Bay along the Lake Ontario shoreline.

Mario Fratto is a businessman from the Finger Lakes, who was running in the 24th.

“I definitely agree with the decision,” Fratto said Thursday. But he acknowledged “It’s very confusing.”

“I’m not certain what the process will be as far as ballot access, as far as if everybody has to get new petitions to let people quality” to run, he said.

He also said “Obviously, we have no idea what the actual new districts will look like.”

But Fratto said he doubts the north country will stay in whatever district is created.

“In my mind, I don’t see how they draw the map fairly and still leave that in the district,” he said.

Fratto visited Clayton, Fort Drum and Watertown two weeks ago and called it “a beautiful area, and the people have been great to me.”

“It’s unfortunate to me to think I might not be representing the folks up there, but I want to see something fair for everybody, where people feel like they’re keeping their community together.”

Chris Jacobs, the other Republican in the race, was not available for comment Thursday, but said in a statement “My focus remains squarely on winning my race.”

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