Act Presidential US Navy moving warships, aircraft closer to Israel amid Hamas war | CPT PPP Coverage NEWSer CHEWSer Oct 8, 2023
Act Presidential US Navy moving warships, aircraft closer to Israel amid Hamas attack: Report | CPT PPP… NEWSer CHEWSer Oct 8, 2023
Act Presidential ‘Scary and shocking:’ Milwaukee, regional Jewish leaders react to Hamas… NEWSer CHEWSer Oct 8, 2023
Act Presidential Biden’s hopes for the Middle East imperiled by eruption of violence | CPT PPP Coverage NEWSer CHEWSer Oct 7, 2023
Act Presidential Hillary Clinton torches Donald Trump, says the former President’s supporters need… NEWSer CHEWSer Oct 6, 2023
Act Presidential US senator to lead delegation to Saudi Arabia and meet with crown prince | CPT PPP… NEWSer CHEWSer Oct 6, 2023
Act Presidential SEAN HANNITY: The Biden White House is happy to ignore the border crisis | CPT PPP… NEWSer CHEWSer Oct 5, 2023
Act Presidential 1 in 3 Voters Would Blame Congressional Republicans for a Shutdown | CPT PPP Coverage NEWSer CHEWSer Sep 26, 2023
Act Presidential Marjorie Taylor Greene marks September 11 by suggesting red states secede from US | CPT… NEWSer CHEWSer Sep 14, 2023
Act Presidential Israel’s prime minister pitches fiber optic cable idea to link Asia and the Middle… NEWSer CHEWSer Sep 3, 2023
Act Presidential Former Donald Trump lawyer denies being ‘architect of Trump elector scheme’ and asks for… NEWSer CHEWSer Sep 1, 2023
Act Presidential The royal family’s ‘invisible man’ Prince Andrew’s comeback is not happening anytime… NEWSer CHEWSer Sep 1, 2023