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Congress debates ending Title 42

The border debate has taken on new urgency in Congress with the Biden administration’s decision to end a Trump-era deportation tool called Title 42.

Created at the start of the pandemic to allow border agents to quickly expel migrants on public health grounds, Title 42 has been used to thwart about half of attempted crossings between official ports of entry in recent months. On April 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced it would be lifted on May 23, although pending court action could delay that timeline.

Why We Wrote This

Both parties agree only Congress can fix the strained U.S. immigration system. But with Trump-era deportation tool Title 42 set to end next month amid a record influx, there is little agreement about potential solutions.

Many Democrats believe it’s about time. “I wish it would have been done by the administration sooner,” said Sen. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico. 

But some are now joining Republicans in asking that Title 42 be extended until the Department of Homeland Security is better prepared to handle the expected influx. DHS estimates daily migrant encounters – already at an unprecedented high – could rise from 7,800 to as many as 18,000 per day.

“We already have a crisis at the border,” said Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, who’s up for reelection this fall. “I don’t want to see chaos on top of a crisis.” 


Some 1,700 miles away from the Rio Grande, where Spc. Bishop Evans drowned trying to save migrants crossing into the United States last week, members of Congress opened a Homeland Security hearing Wednesday by mourning his loss. 

But they disagreed about what his death symbolized. To Democrats, the Texas National Guard member’s sacrifice exemplified the humanity they’ve striven to restore after Trump-era immigration policies that Chairman Bennie Thompson called “a national disgrace.” To Republicans, it was a sign of how ineffective and imbalanced U.S. border policy has become, prioritizing the lives of migrants attempting to cross the border illegally over those tasked with securing it. 

The border debate has taken on new urgency with the Biden administration’s decision to end next month a Trump-era deportation tool called Title 42. Despite clear differences in how the parties view the issue, a number of Democrats – many facing tough reelection races – have joined Republicans in voicing concerns about the planned repeal. But while political forces may lead to a short-term fix, both sides agree that it is essentially punting on the larger problems of border security and immigration reform, which have eluded Congress for decades, even as the pressure on the border grows. 

Why We Wrote This

Both parties agree only Congress can fix the strained U.S. immigration system. But with Trump-era deportation tool Title 42 set to end next month amid a record influx, there is little agreement about potential solutions.

Title 42 was created at the start of the pandemic to allow border agents to quickly expel migrants on public health grounds. It has been used to thwart about half of attempted crossings between official ports of entry in recent months. On April 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that Title 42 would be lifted on May 23, although pending court action could delay that timeline.

Without it, DHS is bracing for daily encounters – already at an unprecedented high – to rise from 7,800 to as many as 18,000 per day. That could mean more than a million unauthorized immigrants entering the country within the first two months. 

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