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Do you want to work at the Vatican? Launch official website to apply – ZENIT – English | CPT PPP Coverage

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Do you want to work at the Vatican? Launch official website to apply – ZENIT – English appeared on by ZENIT – English.

(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 06.27.2024).- In a significant move towards modernizing its hiring practices, the Vatican has launched a new section on the Secretariat for the Economy’s website titled «Work with Us.» This innovative platform allows applicants to directly apply for current and upcoming job openings, marking a transformative shift in the recruitment process for lay staff at the Holy See.

Previously, the Vatican’s hiring of lay personnel primarily involved reviewing available resumes. The introduction of this online platform promises to make the process more accessible and transparent. Maximino Caballero Ledo, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, emphasized the importance of this change, stating, «A central theme in economic reform is personnel, which is crucial for the mission of the Holy See.»

Luis Herrera, the Vatican’s Director of Human Resources, elaborated on the benefits of «Work with Us,» explaining that it will allow interested individuals to view available positions and the necessary qualifications. «All information about vacant positions and required qualifications will be published here,» Herrera noted, facilitating direct applications through the website.

The new platform not only simplifies the application process but also broadens the scope of talent acquisition. «Often, dicasteries and offices require personnel with specific specializations, such as linguistic or technical skills, that are hard to find,» Herrera remarked. The website aims to streamline communication between job seekers and the Vatican, enhancing the match between applicants and specialized roles.

Additionally, candidates can submit their resumes without applying for a specific position, ensuring their information is stored in a database for future suitable vacancies.

The Secretariat for the Economy is also focusing on internal mobility. When a position becomes vacant, notifications will be sent through the Employee Portal, allowing current Vatican staff to apply. This initiative aims to utilize existing talent within the Holy See, providing opportunities for professional growth and development.

The website also offers comprehensive information about the functions and decision-making processes of the dicastery. It transparently presents the regulations governing economic and financial oversight, as well as administrative supervision.

For instance, the Office of Procurement Regulations interprets and applies the «Norms on transparency, control, and competition in the procedures for awarding public contracts of the Holy See and the Vatican City State,» adopted in May 2020. This emphasis on transparency and accountability is a crucial aspect of the ongoing economic reforms.

The new platform is available for use at the provided link, marking a new era in the Vatican’s approach to recruitment and personnel management.

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