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Eddy Memorial Lecture on World Politics: Yoshiko Herrera, Ph.D.

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Title: Eddy Memorial Lecture on World Politics: Yoshiko Herrera, Ph.D. | • Politics| • |Politics • 11000000|

Eddy Memorial Lecture on World Politics: Yoshiko Herrera, Ph.D..

Yoshiko Herrera, Ph.D., professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, presents “Russia’s War Against Ukraine,” in the Benes Rooms of OWU’s Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, 40 Rowland Ave., Delaware.

In a recent interview, she said: “I think it’s important to understand that this isn’t a conflict between ethnic Russians and ethnic Ukrainians. There isn’t a centuries-long hostility between the two peoples or nations. … [T]his is Vladimir Putin’s war.”

Herrera’s presentation is Ohio Wesleyan’s 2022-2023 John Kennard Eddy Memorial Lecture on World Politics The free event is sponsored by the OWU International Studies Program and the Department of Politics and Government. Learn more at or


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