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‘I’m furious’: LGBTQ residents angered over Philly’s monkeypox vaccine shortage

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Title: ‘I’m furious’: LGBTQ residents angered over Philly’s monkeypox vaccine shortage
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‘I’m furious’: LGBTQ residents angered over Philly’s monkeypox vaccine shortage

He joins other Philadelphians and LGBTQ advocates who’ve grown frustrated with the limited availability of vaccines and small scope of testing. They’re calling on city, state, and federal leaders to offer a stronger response to the local monkeypox outbreak.

“We need to test, treat everybody, vaccinate everybody,” said Jazmyn Henderson, a member of ACT UP Philadelphia. “And if we don’t do something about it, that means we’ve learned nothing from the lessons of Covid that just happened, nor the last 40 years of the HIV crisis.”

Henderson voiced his concerns alongside state representatives Malcolm Kenyatta and Brian Sims during a press conference Friday at the Mazzoni Center, which provides LGBTQ-focused health care for patients in Philadelphia.

Jazmyn Henderson from ACT UP Philadelphia warned against underestimating the monkeypox virus as an LGBTQ community health problem at press conference at the Mazzoni Center Clinic on July 29, 2022. (Kimberly Paynter/WHYY)

Philadelphia has identified 67 cases of monkeypox as of Friday, according to city officials.

Health experts say vaccines can help prevent new cases, or at least reduce symptoms in someone who becomes infected.

The city has received more than 2,000 doses so far, some of which are being distributed to a small group of local healthcare providers that have been tasked with identifying high-risk patients.

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health defines “high risk” as adults 18 and over who are bisexual, transgender, non-binary, and other men who have sex with men, transgender, or non-binary persons.

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