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Monkeypox: Best time to get a PCR test for monkeypox, smallpox vaccine’s effectiveness, and other FAQs about this fast-spreading virus

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Title: Monkeypox: Best time to get a PCR test for monkeypox, smallpox vaccine’s effectiveness, and other FAQs about this fast-spreading virus
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Monkeypox: Best time to get a PCR test for monkeypox, smallpox vaccine’s effectiveness, and other FAQs about this fast-spreading virus

After the fatigue of Covid-19 pandemic, it is perhaps the worst time to deal with another virus. But, as cases of monkeypox rise in several countries, experts are trying to understand how an ailment that has existed for decades and was only confined to a small region is now a globe-trotting threat. Apart from the experts, common people also have several questions about this new ailment as cases of monkeypox are making headlines every day.

ET Panache caught up with Dr Anita Mathew, Infectious Disease Specialist,

Hospital (Mulund), Mumbai to find answers to some of the most asked questions about monkeypox. Here are the excerpts from the interview.

How to know if a rash is a monkeypox rash or not? What are the initial distinguishing signs of this disease?

The rash of monkeypox begins on the face and resembles the rash of smallpox. It starts as a little red elevated region that becomes filled with whitish fluid, like a blister, before drying up and healing. However, it is impossible to diagnose a rash as monkeypox without doing a PCR test.

Some other symptoms that patients suffering from this disease have included fever, body aches, exhaustion, and headaches, much like they would with any other viral illness. Unlike chickenpox and smallpox, they also have swollen lymph nodes.

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Monkeypox has already landed on several international shores. As it invades more countries, should we be worried about another pandemic?

It is highly unlikely that the disease will spread in the proportion, and the way Covid-19 did. However, it has existed for decades and has not spread the way it has in the last few months, so it be prudent to put our guards up. For it to go to the pandemic stage, and infect a significant number of people it has to evolve a lot, in terms of its spreadability and the ways in which it transmits. The good news is that the virus is not known to be very transmissible so far.

Do the lesions leave marks as smallpox lesions did? How permanent or stubborn are these scars?

In all probability they do leave scars like most poxes do. In case of chicken pox too we see some scarring, and in some rare cases, they are permanent too. Monkeypox may also lead to scarring, however, the severity is likely to be lesser than smallpox.


Dr Anita Mathew, Infectious Disease Specialist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund

How can I ensure that I and my family stay protected from monkeypox?

The first thing is to understand how it spreads, and take necessary precautions to insulate yourself against the virus. For instance, make sure that if you have a new rash that begins with a reddish patch, and then starts spreading, you isolate yourself immediately. If you come in contact with someone who has visibly strange rashes, you should also maintain isolation. If your kids return home with fever, and rashes immediately contact a health expert.

One good thing is that since we have lived through two years of Covid-19 we have better hand hygiene habits, and they are very important to keep monkeypox at bay. Masking and social distancing seems to work for the disease too.

Will a smallpox vaccine help in fighting monkeypox?

In theory it should. Monkeypox and smallpox belong to the same class of viruses. Therefore, we can argue that a smallpox vaccine can also provide cross-protection against monkeypox too. In case of India it would mean that individuals who have had smallpox vaccines as children are likely to have immunity against monkeypox too.

Can the monkeypox virus be airborne?

Monkeypox is transferred via breathing droplets, direct face-to-face contact, and secretions from the infected person’s rashes and bedding. As a result, the CDC has issued a warning that there might be a possibility of it becoming airborne.

Now that many people are venturing out to travel, what are the precautions that are needed to follow?

If you are traveling internationally, it is important to follow the health advisory of the respective countries. If you come in contact with individuals with travel history to the countries where monkeypox is spreading fast be cautious. Also, avoid eating meat from wild game. If you spot lesions then immediately self-isolate and contact a health professional. Stay away from alive or death rodents and rats.

What is the course of treatment for monkeypox? Do antiviral drugs help?

Generally, symptomatic treatment is followed as no proven safe treatment methods exist for monkeypox. In some cases, antivirals might prove effective along with medicines and vaccines like cidofovir and vaccina immunoglobulin.

Which age group is most vulnerable to this ailment?

According to previous data from African countries, they are more common in the younger age groups. However, as the current pandemic has affected people of all ages, everyone from children, pregnant women, and immunocompromised people are vulnerable to getting this disease.

Can monkeypox cause organ damage?

It is hard to say, but I am leaning towards a no, although in sporadic cases it is not unheard of that this kind of pox can cause organ damage. Monkeypox may be painful, and may look scary to the eyes. However, one thing to remember about this ailment is that the mortality rate of this disease is very low.

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