Crypto, Politics, Tech, Gaming & World News.

NEWSer CHEWSer BETA Launched


…chews through the news and spits it out.

Search engines appear to have already found out about Newser Chewser© and are trying to locate its source by constantly pinging our protected page. For this reason, we have decided to turn on NEWSer CHEWSer© early, and welcome the traffic.


via category browsing.

Jump into NEWSer CHEWSer©
or read on and learn more

About NEWSer CHEWSer©…

Under the guidance of our editor, Newser Chewser© identifies relevant, interesting, and/or noteworthy topical news & articles from our sources that normally appear within the public domain (no subscriptions or paywalls). Content is then placed into an appropriate category (unless we choose< to leave it uncategorized). Additionally, as warranted, our editor tries to place content into multiple categories, intentionally.  You then chews< (see what we did there?) what topic you’d like to browse/follow.  By checking the category labels on the article, you may be led to another category or topic that you had never considered browsing.

So… what’s the Big Deal?

Placing “news” into multiple categories is HUGELY frowned upon by news media “experts” as they have an unspoken rule: news articles only go into ONE category per publisher. Placing news into more than one category is considered over-classification of news and these “experts” claim it creates problems, without clearly citing any ill effects.

We believe that this unspoken rule is more about protecting media empires than it is about promoting the growth of knowledge.  We contrarily believe the “one-category, one-topic” rule has created ill effects within the sharing of information.  We have termed these general ill-effects, topical discourse.

To all of this we say…
“We will post the news any way we see fit.”, a division of MyHouse.Media.


We believe that topical discourse is rooted within mass media manipulation.
Mass media does not just apply to the news, all of the internet is mass media; Think retailers, marketing, “info-only sites”, social media and more… They are all designed to hook you and keep your attention. They do this by selectively showing you what they want you to see. Other areas of their websites are harder to find. The most neutral aspects of the internet are normally obscured. It is why we seem to be reaching for menu buttons constantly when traversing the internet. [We will cover topical discourse in-depth in future posts.]

There is a ton of information at your fingertips.  However, on nearly every site, you must dig to find any nonmainstream information you might want.  This is primarily due to the constant changing and rewriting of narratives online.  From eCommerce to News, the narrative is constantly shifting.  Retail must constantly shift to the latest & greatest to keep the newest product inventory in your face.  By hiding everything behind menu buttons and “one category, one topic”, it is MUCH easier to manipulate links and deaden those that no longer serve THEIR purpose of influencing YOU.

Companies have taken it upon themselves to influence you as much as possible, without raising your awareness.  The systematic dictation of what links and buttons are readily available conditions YOU to comply with THEIR WILL, without the realization of manipulation. You have been conditioned to accept it as “just the way it is”.

Mass media has adopted a retailer’s mentality; News articles have become nothing more than a manufacturer’s description.  The art of fanciful writing and media manipulation, nothing more than inventory.


For these reasons,
and more not yet mentioned,
we hope to make the news easier to navigate because…

We think internet navigation, as designed, sucks.

So… What Are We Doing About It?

We are attempting to build our new website so that browsing events will not require you constantly reach for the menu button. Although menu buttons will likely never be eliminated entirely in the grand scheme of things, we hope to greatly diminish the use of the menu button on OUR website(s).

Constantly reaching for menu buttons causes a displeasing experience and causes many to abandon their browsing of current events. In the era of information being “readily available at your fingertips”, poor navigation has resulted in many opting to be less-informed.

It is resulting in a newly-minted generation waiting for someone to “tell them”, on the radio or during evening news broadcasts, what is or isn’t “news for the day”.

Through some old-fashioned hard work, a bootstrap budget, and resilient dedication, we hope to inspire people to once again start browsing for fun and to promote the growth of knowledge (Sorry if that sounds SO 2002!).  We are excited to fully develop our system of identifying similarities between current news articles and categories and then fully exploring the placement of those articles in multiple, related categories.  We sincerely hope this might make being informed a more enjoyable experience.

Here’s a teaser of future articles. Once you glimpse behind the curtain, you’ll never unsee what we show you.


Titlecase: this line is a title. (and so was the one before it)

Does anyone remember how titles were, at one time, properly capitalized? Yeah, that’s no longer a thing. Now they claim the “proper” way to write a title is to use standard sentence structure and just call it a title. This may seem trivial to you now, but we will explain to you why you should care about this paradigm shift caused by mass media and the dumbing-down of society. If you happen to be one of those people that believes a capital letter appears to be offensively shouting at you, then you are highly susceptible to brain-washing and should not miss the future article.


Topical Discourse: News “under-classification” Keeps You Stupid

Two of the main reasons news “over-classification” is frowned upon are:

  • Most importantly, the practice of placing news into only ONE category allows for simpler manipulation of context TO FiT NARRATiVES, should the need arise.
  • So that each news agency can re-purpose others’ content and not be hit with “duplicate content” penalties on the web.
  • We believe “under-classification” of news is actually an ethics issue.
  • We have documented evidence to share.


Ongoing now…

As our site is newly launched, we apologize if you find any broken links or missing images, we are working to get these issues under control. As the news never stops, neither do we. For this reason, we prefer to perform work on our website in live-time and let errors manifest themselves in live-time as well.

We look forward to reaching full development of our system and begin expanding our selection of news and drill-down into some very NONMAINSTREAM topics. (Does development REALLY ever end though?)


Category Format

start off with NEWSer CHEWSer to explore categories, or choose a NEWSer below to view today’s ‘news of the day’ current Headlines by Topic.


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