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‘Sonic Frontiers’ Will Be Released This November And Looks Actually Promising
‘Sonic Frontiers’ will be released on November 8.
After all the previews and other reveals, Sonic Frontiers will be released this November and actually looks rather good.
The latest trailer (shown below) reveals a bit more of the story behind the game, as well as showing combat and exploration.
The main takeaway is that the environments look a lot more considered now, rather than the placeholder work-in-progress content we saw a while back.
The game also seems to have more traditional Sonic looking levels and that’s something I can entirely get behind.
What with the massive success of the recent Sonic the Hedgehog movies, Sonic Frontiers has a genuinely unique opportunity to reinvigorate the franchise.
While the Sonic the Hedgehog games have tended to be given a rough time, especially in the press, I hope that this time around the much-loved blue hedgehog will be given a fair chance.
In the meantime, you should definitely check out Sonic Origins, as that’s a great collection of classic Sonic the Hedgehog games.
Sonic Frontiers will be released for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One X|S, Xbox One and PC on November 8.
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‘News of the Day’ content, as reported by public domain newswires.
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