The Cozy Grove: New Neighbears DLC Is out Now
In the year since Cozy Grove launched, we’ve released several major free content updates, and now we’re excited to announce our biggest addition yet. We’re bringing four new bears, along with new outfits, critters, and music, to Xbox with the New Neighbears DLC launching today.
It’s the job of the player as a Spirit Scout in Cozy Grove to help every bear work through their individual issues or circumstances. There are 17 distinct bears already in the game, and we made sure the four new bears would feel equally unique and meaningful to our players. All four of the new DLC bears have especially lengthy personal stories with no long waits between their requests and conversations.
Making new bears for Cozy Grove is no small task. We don’t just want to write engaging stories for them; we want our bears to represent real challenges that people face in real life. When you help a bear in Cozy Grove, we want it to be both something you enjoy and remember fondly, and also something that gives you a chance to empathize with others. So, without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to the new bears you’ll meet in the New Neighbears DLC!
Lillian McQuill
Shy-as-a-mouse Lillian is a brilliant scientist and lover of origami. She’ll take some coaxing to bring her out of her shell, and even more to start believing in herself.

Beatrice Mellifera
Beatrice is abuzz with excitement to meet you! She’s come to Cozy Grove to expand her collection of fish, bugs, and other bits and baubles and she needs your expert collecting guidance to 100% her list.

Archie Pawston
Someone needed to bring more party energy to the isle of Cozy Grove, and Archie’s the bear to do it! He’s always looking to entertain and is eager to bring everyone together for a rollicking good time, even if it costs him everything…

Ben Hiberneczek
Ben is determined to become the best version of himself – he just doesn’t know what that is. There’s so much work to be done, and never enough time for self-reflection. Oh, also, Ben has some special cats. Lots of them. He might need some help with them…
As I look back on the first year of Cozy Grove’slife as a launched game, I feel nothing but gratitude. When we started working on Cozy Grove, we didn’t know if many people would want to play a game like this. But not only did plenty of people embrace Cozy Grove, it also developed a community of players that is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It has been my great privilege to spend the past few years of my life making Cozy Grove for this community.

Thanks again, everyone. I can’t wait to hear what you think about your four new friends in the New Neighbears DLC!

Cozy Grove
The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild
Welcome to Cozy Grove, a life-sim game about camping on a haunted, ever-changing island. As a Spirit Scout, you’ll wander the island’s forest each day, finding new hidden secrets and helping soothe the local ghosts. With a little time and a lot of crafting, you’ll bring color and joy back to Cozy Grove!
Cozy Grove is synced to real world time and provides 30-60 minutes of new quest content each day. After that, you can fish, craft, and decorate to your heart’s content!
• Beautiful, dynamic, hand-drawn landscapes that come alive when you help a spirit in need.
• Dozens of memorable characters and spirits for you to find and befriend. Each spirit has a unique, extensive story for you to unravel over time.
• Collect spirit animals, craft decorations, go fishing and more!
• 40+ hour campaign filled with side quests, designed to span months of playtime.