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Uniswap Launches Product In The Midst Of Lawsuit, UNI Reacts Bearish | CPT PPP Coverage

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Uniswap Launches Product In The Midst Of Lawsuit, UNI Reacts Bearish appeared on by Reynaldo Marquez.

Uniswap’s governance token UNI has been trending to the downside following the general sentiment in the market. The token records a 2% loss during the last day as two major events take UNI holders’ attention and could suggest more downside price action for the short term.

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At the of writing, UNI trades at $9.4 with a 6% loss in the past 7-days.

UNI is trending to the downside in the 4-hour chart. Source: UNIUSDT Tradingview

Yesterday, news broke about a class action lawsuit against this decentralized exchange (DEX) developer Uniswap Labs, its inventor Hayden Adams, and other major investors in the project. Filed as a class action in the Southern District of New York with Nessa Risley representing the plaintiffs.

These people are suing Uniswap Labs and others claiming that they have “unlawfully promoted, offer, and sold unregistered securities” on the DEX. In addition, they claim that Uniswap’s lack of a Know Your Customer (KYC) policy has enabled alleged cases of fraud without the DEX taking measures to prevent these supposed activities.

Furthermore, the plaintiff claims the DEX and the defenders have benefited from “undisclosed fees” collected on “every transaction” executed with the platform in an alleged violation of the U.S. Securities laws, according to the document. The plaintiffs also accused the platform of selling scam tokens.

These include Rocket Bunny,, Matrix Samurai, EthereumMax, and others. The plaintiffs claimed these tokens failed to file a registration with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Uniswap is a decentralized exchange running on Ethereum and operating under a governance model controlled by UNI holders. Unlike centralized exchange it is permissionless, and its smart contracts respond to no centralized authorities for the benefit or detriment of any party.

According to the document filed with the court, Risley and the other plaintiffs were not familiar with Uniswap. At least, the document suggests they have little experience trading on the platform before incurring alleged “substantial losses” which led to their lawsuit.

Uniswap Releases New Product

Less than 24 hours after the class action was filed, Uniswap Labs launch a Swap Widget feature to allow users to “seamlessly swap tokens anywhere across the web”. The dApp is accessible via certain platforms, such as Open Sea and Oasis.

The product is part of an Uniswap expansion initiative which is aim at providing “everyone” with access to “fair, open, and transparent markets”. The Widget is supposed to be easy to integrate by developers as it would only require “one line of code”.

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The Uniswap community has positively reacted to the announcement. However, the DEX’s native token has trended to the downside, likely due to its correlation with Bitcoin and other larger cryptocurrencies.

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This article originally appeared on by Reynaldo Marquez – sharing via newswires in the public domain, repeatedly. News articles have become eerily similar to manufacturer descriptions.

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