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What Impact Will AI Have on Our Day to Day Life?

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Title: What Impact Will AI Have on Our Day to Day Life? Originally reported on by Intelligent Living 20000756 – TECH NEWSer | 20001298 – Artificial Intelligence AI | •| Tech |•| Newser |•| Technology | •| Artificial |•| Intelligence |•| AI |

What Impact Will AI Have on Our Day to Day Life?.

There’s Nothing Artificial About Life

The Artificial Intelligence impact on the world cannot be denied. But, before we get into how, it’s important to pause to explore what AI is today. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that combines various disciplines intending to produce intelligent machines – devices and systems capable of executing complicated tasks that frequently need human ability but in a way that equals or exceeds human capabilities.

There are numerous fascinating applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in our daily lives. AI helps us in all aspects of our lives, whether we’re attempting to read our emails, get driving directions, or find music or movie recommendations. This article will show you how artificial intelligence is applied in everyday life.

Social Media Advertising

Experts say the AI social media market will reach $2.1 billion by 2023. The convergence of artificial intelligence and social media will become more popular as both become more pervasive in people’s lives. Social media networks use AI to promote to users more effectively. Most social networks allow marketing companies to run huge sponsored ad campaigns, but without artificial intelligence, advertisers must spend a significant amount of money generating and distributing content for each campaign. AI technology, on the other hand, may generate clever social media ads on its own. These are designed to encourage clicks and conversions, and they may contain shortened links and hashtags.

Increased Work Production

Artificial intelligence has the ability to greatly improve workplace efficiencies and supplement the work that humans can do. When it takes over mundane or dangerous work, it frees up human labor to focus on tasks requiring creativity and empathy, among other things. Moreover, people’s happiness and job satisfaction may grow if they do work they enjoy.

Safeguarding our Lives

It can now be used to potentially save our lives. For example, the technology has been used to carefully and reliably analyze medical data to forecast whether a patient is at risk of a heart attack or stroke. Although AI can utilize advanced algorithms and approaches to make physicians’ jobs easier, it will never replace them in the near future. On the other hand, it can already replace doctors in some cases. The massive increase in medical data enables us to develop systems that extract hidden facts, allowing clinicians to make better decisions. This acquired data will eventually bring us to an era of profoundly tailored medicine in which everyone is treated based on a personal dynamic profile.

Banking Security

Artificial intelligence is being used not only for online shopping and assisting consumers with a better experience but also for security enhancements. For example, banks utilize technology to ensure that their customers are not the victims of any potential fraudulent activities. For example, if you make a significant transaction on your mobile device, the bank will notify you to check that you are the one making the transaction. The AI program embedded into the bank’s system learns and understands the user’s behavior to detect any suspicious activity.

Customer Service

You’ve probably seen and even used a chatbot before. Conversational AI is the foundation of chatbots. This branch of the technology is concerned with creating intelligent assistants capable of answering user queries 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without the use of human advisors. Chatbots and voice bots serve only one purpose: to communicate with people. A lot of cutting-edge technology is required to make that happen. We specifically refer to text recognition, comprehending consumer intent, awareness of many languages, and responding to non-standard requests.

Customer service


Even your regular trip to and from work, believe it or not, necessitates the employment of artificial intelligence. For example, AI is used in navigation apps like Google Maps to analyze traffic speed. It also uses user-reported incidents, such as traffic accidents or road construction, to anticipate how long it will take you to get to your destination and recommends the shortest route.

From an External Source.

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