Crypto, Politics, Tech, Gaming & World News.

What is CryptoPolyTech’s current Mission?

We plan to change the way you view the news AND get you a glimpse behind the curtain.

Cryptopolytech’s news classification system promotes the growth of knowledge by relating news stories that may not normally appear related.  News stories are often shared in the public domain with intentional misdirection perpetrated by mass media to continually dominate and promote their agenda. was destined to be an exploration of the interplay of crypto, politics, and tech within the news by an American crypto infiltrator/insider. Destiny has quickly morphed that goal into something more, something GREATER than originally imagined; A “NEWS covering the NEWS” website & blog that not only explores the interplay of the aforementioned but the interplay on a GLOBAL SCALE.

Cryptopolytech NEWSer will run the gamut on things from cryptocurrency, politics, and technology appearing in world news, to political cover-ups, conspiratorial theories, and the secret infiltration of crypto into America’s Financial Sector 10 YEARS AGO.

Additionally, we will put forth information to show interconnections between world events that you may be overlooking(list is only partial), such as:

  • crypto, politics and technology, the new triunity, and the war currently being waged over it.
  • why you feel compelled to choose a side in the Russian-Ukraine (Triunity) War.
  • why you unknowingly comply with mass media’s manipulative control that you experience daily.
  • why you will welcome The Great Reset with open arms.

This blog was started under a penname to offer some protection to the individual/individuals behind it; It shall not be long until you begin understanding why.

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“When one has interesting things to say, other people listen.”

“When one has interesting things to say, which are too rooted in truth, others will kill you.” – CPT NEWSer

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